Blessings of the New Moon – Happy Birthday Elvis!

For reasons I cannot explain
There’s some part of me wants to see


And I may be obliged to defend

Every love every ending

Or maybe there’s no obligations now,

Maybe I’ve a reason to believe

We all will be received

In Graceland.

In Graceland, Graceland, Graceland
I’m going to Graceland.

— Paul Simon

All who know me well are aware that my roots are deeply Dionysian (as Joseph Campbell characterized Grateful Dead concerts). But although I have been a Priestess of the Dead for thirty seven years, I have also been initiated into the Elvisysian Mysteries.

Thus, today I urge you to join me in celebrating this holy and sacred day of the birth of America’s own Horned God. Elvis was a Sun King in his own right. He personally awoke white, middle-class America’s svadhisthana chakra, and shapeshifted through his life from the splendid young Peacock God to the fat, laughing Dagda. My friend Oak, elder of the Craft and a Most High Priestess of Elvis, has created a Temple of Elvis that you might wish to visit to learn more.

The omens are clear.

Because of this magical Day of Power falling so auspiciously upon the very first New Moon of the New Year, it is obvious that we are meant to spend the next year and a day together, journeying to Graceland.

Oak writes, “It is becoming increasingly acknowledged that the Elvis phenomenon can only be categorized as the birth of a religious movement. Elvis’s home, Graceland, is one of the most visited and cherished spots in the country. Some visit out of curiosity, but many go as holy pilgrims, to honor and worship the divine spirit of Elvis. Bits of clothes, even single strands of hair (verified by Priscilla) are sold as sacred relics. There have been countless sightings of Elvis after death and many tales abound of miracles attributed to him.

“Unfortunately and inaccurately,” she continues, “most Elvisologists have equated the Elvis religion with Christianity, seeing Elvis as Christ-like figure and Elvis worshippers as similar to early Christians. This is dead wrong. Elvis is clearly a Pagan phenomenon!”

So starting today, and continuing through this year, barring some unforeseen, more compelling issues to the contrary, I invite you to journey with me to Graceland.