Intention for the Journey

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
— Jean Houston

If it might possibly be true that a fundamental part of being human is to be creative, why is it so hard sometimes? Why are so many of us blocked? How did we get the notion that we are not talented, that art is for someone else to make, and for us to only enjoy from afar? How can we possibly change such an attitude, at this late date? Does it even matter?

We’re going to explore these questions and many more. In the days ahead, I am going to be relying a lot on one of my favorite explorers in the land of finding our creative voice, Julia Cameron. Julia wrote what is probably the classic guidebook to discovering and breathing life into our creative longings, The Artist’s Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self.”

So in part, we are going to embark on a sort of online discussion and work-through of The Artist’s Way. I am not teaching this as a workshop, and I don’t have any kind of official permission or credentials. But that’s okay. According to Julia Cameron, “There are no ‘accredited’ Artist’s Way teachers. I chose not to franchise The Artist’s Way but to offer it as a gift, free of charge. It is my belief that creative recovery at its best is a nonhierarchical, peer-run, collective process.”

I envision our journey together, in part, as being like Julie Powell’s now-famous daily chronicles as she cooked her way, chapter by chapter, through Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. (She started it way back in the olden days of 2002, when it was called a “weblog”).

Why am I doing this? I’m doing it, first of all, because Brighid told me to. Also, honestly, because, although I worked Cameron’s 12-step program to recovering the inner artist many years ago, I have fallen off the wagon, and, frankly, I need help. And last but not least, because I talk to so many clients and friends who are also struggling with the exact same frustrations and blocks.

But besides The Artist’s Way, I’ll be sharing many other resources and viewpoints that will inspire and support our creative dreams. And of course, you can always count on the occasional tangents, rants, straight-up magical lore, and detours along the scenic route.

My intention throughout, is to bring magic and enchantment forth into the world by opening to Creativity. Yours and mine.

You see, I believe that we are the hands and eyes and embodiment of The Creator. And if we are going to save ourselves, and give birth to new worlds of beauty, balance, and delight, I believe we must be actively engaged in the acts of Creation that originate, not in our reproductive organs, but in our soul’s desires.

8 thoughts on “Intention for the Journey”

  1. Thank you Beth for this!
    I have actually never bought The Artist's Way. I just went to Amazon & was confused about which one to order. There was one that I am unfamiliar w/~The Complete Artist's Way. I think it is 700 pages long. What do you think? Do you know about this one? Could it be the book & the workbook combined? I wasn't sure by peeking into it.

  2. Hi Beth —
    Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit is an even better book for those trying to re-up their lives as artists . . . more adult, less 12-steppish. Also you might like the new and renewed, with a focus on making time and attention for creativity.

  3. that is a fantastic book. working its process was very beneficial to me in how i view myself creatively, and creativity, itself.

    hope you are well, Beth!

  4. Hi, everyone! What a great response! I so appreciate your thoughts.

    Lainie- thanks very, very much for pointing out this additional resource. I will definitely check it out. The more, the merrier! 🙂

    Kelly!!! I am SO thrilled to see you! Please, please feel free to add your thoughts and inspirations to this process.

    As all of you are also invited!

    – Beth

  5. Hi Beth

    I’ve been silently following since December — I am thrilled about your tackling The Artists’s Way! I am posting work every week on my blog, but much of it is old, and I need to get the creative juices flowing again! Many thanks for what you are doing,


  6. Beth, I am currently working with Julia’s book “Vein of Gold” and look forward to revisiting concepts from her earlier book.

    Interesting that Seena Frost, the birth-mother of SoulCollage(TM) felt the need to franchise that process and set ‘rules’ on what people can do and cannot do with their own creations.

    Julia rocks!

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