Welcoming July!

The first of July is Canada Day, so to all our friends in the vast, beautiful lands to the north,

Happy Birthday, Canada!

But wait! There’s more!

Rabbit! Rabbit!

Old English folk wisdom reports that if you say, “Rabbit! Rabbit!” or “White hares!” the very first thing on the first day of the month, you will have good luck for the month. So if you are just now stumbling into your computer room, and have not said a word to anyone yet, you’re in luck, if your first words this morning are “Rabbit! Rabbit!” If not, well, sorry. Maybe next month!

July is named for Julius Caesar, who reformed the Western calendar in 45 B.C.E.  From Roman times through the Middle Ages, this day was called the Kalends of July. It was said that if rain came on this day, the next four weeks would be rainy too.

Appropriate spells for this month include blessings of the fields and flowers, ecstatic love, health and money spells, and any other matters which you wish to see grow in positive power.

The traditional birthstone amulet of July is the ruby, called a “stone of nobility” and known for gathering and amplifying energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. It can bring success in controversies and arguments, by promoting gentleness and discouraging violence.  The ruby is naturally associated with the energy of the root chakra.

July’s Flower is the Larkspur (Delphinium ajacis) and its meaning in the language of flowers is “passionate, ardent attachment.” The larkspur of Delphinium is named for the shape of the flower, which resembles the bottle-like nose of a dolphin. The spur, on the other hand, reminds some people of parts of the lark; hence “larkspur,” “lark’s heel,” and “lark’s claw.”

According to Greek legend, Achilles’ mother requested that her son’s armor be given to the most heroic Greek warrior during the Battle of Troy. To the dismay of the great warrior Ajax, the armor was awarded to Ulysses. In despair, Ajax threw himself on his sword, and small blue delphiniums sprang from the blood that fell to the ground, hence the Latin name —Delphinium ajacis. Delphinium petals are marked with the Greek symbols for “AI,” the Greek cry of mourning.

July is shared by the astrological signs of Cancer the Crab and Leo the Lion, and is sacred to Apt (or Apet), Athena, Sothis, and Spider Grandmother.

Last but not least, in the spirit of playfulness given to us in this time that belongs to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, July is National Ice Cream Month.   Proceed with gusto!

5 thoughts on “Welcoming July!”

  1. Thank You, Beth
    and a Happy Birthday to America this week-end!
    I think I shall celebrate Canada Day by going down to the lake(Ontario) and eating butter tarts eh!

  2. Beth,
    As you are mentioning Birthdays and the astrological sign of Cancer…
    Happy Birthday!
    To you I sing.
    and Happiness I bring.
    to celebrate the birth,
    of another witch on Earth.
    I believe this song if familiar to you. :-))

  3. Yes, indeed! It’s maybe my favorite ever birthday song! Thanks, Arie! Big hugs and thanks.. it’s coming up fast! 🙂

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