Entering the Fifth House

Joy is our goal, our destiny. We cannot know who we are except in Joy. Not knowing Joy, we do not know ourselves.
~ Marianne Williamson

At last, I am back and (more or less) rested from my trip!  However, today, I am headed right out the door again, to give readings at the Dancing Moon Bookstore in Raleigh.

So I am offering just a very brief check-in today, to introduce the next step in our journey through the houses of the zodiac.

In May we’ll be visiting the topics that have to do with the Fifth House of the astrological Wheel.  This will be a fun time — literally!

That’s because the Fifth House, ruled by happy-go-lucky Leo, is the Fun House! It rules such matters as games, fun, excitement, and enthusiasm in general.  It is also the house that is concerned with romance, children, and our child-like wonder of life. Thus, is sometimes called the house of “recreation and procreation.”

Its gift (and challenge) to us is to develop our creativity and express ourselves.  In the Fifth House, we discover what it really means to love, create, and live joyfully.

So stay tuned!  And as always, your thoughts are always most welcome!

1 thought on “Entering the Fifth House”

  1. Looking forward to learning more about the joyful Fifth, since that is where my natal Saturn and Pluto reside!

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