Thank you!!!

I am headed off shortly to Dancing Moon Bookstore in Raleigh to give my final Samhain season readings today, so I just have a sec to check in here.

I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally, but it’s way more than I can!  There were more than 250 of you!!!

Thank you for your generous encouragement, humor, wisdom, and your heartfelt thoughts about why all of these topics for my e-book could be helpful, not just for you, but for others.

I am not a very big, famous, or hugely popular blog in terms of the Cyberworld, but I don’t care one bit.

That has never been my goal.

Instead, by the Goddess, I am blessed with a magical circle of the very, very, very best visitors and blog buddies!

Thank you one and all!

Stay tuned for updates as I revise, edit, streamline and polish what looks like about 600+ WordPress pages (so far!) of raw content.

Oh – and remember my total computer melt-down last year?  When I say “raw” I really mean it!  🙂

Blessings to you!!! Full steam ahead!

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