Living In Your True Inheritance – Blessed Imbolc

Regardless of the self-destruction of the fossilized old era and its drama and shadows, the time of rebirth and renewal is here. Blessed Imbolc.

The Flame That Will Never Fail: Blessed Imbolc

Imbolc is our holy time of healing, hope, and renewal. The curtain rises on a bright new year, and the changing of the age. Come celebrate with me.

Open Wide Our Hearts in Praise, The Wheel Now Turns to Harvest Days

The Song of Lughnasadh I am the sovereign splendor of creation, I am the fountain in the courts of bliss, I am the bright surrender of the willpower, I am the watchful guardian and the kiss. I am the many-colored landscape, I am the transmigration of the geese, I am the burnished glory of the … Read more

The Days of Imbolc

There, at the foot of the tree, belonging to no man, A silver apple falls. There, amongst the branches, the mother sits. Weaver of dreams against the weft of the wood, Insight falls like gentle rain on a moon-bathed garden.    ~ Song to Hecate, by Alison Jones Now is the time to get ready … Read more

Preparing for Holy Holidays

Goddess Sunday is taking a break, as I prepare for my holiday and holy days of retreat. I will be offline for several weeks (!), except for the Tarot Card of the Week, and, who knows, the occasional drop-by. As the cross-quarter holiday of Lughnasadh approaches, I am reminded of dear Caitlín Matthews’ post for … Read more

Wishing You a Blessed Samhain

Sparks from the hearth Of the Queen of Death and Life Swarm through the dark, Dance through the Night. by J. Robin Gall from Second Chants, Serpentine Music Productions This is the Great Sabbat of Samhain (pronounced SAH-wen, or SOW (rhymes with cow) -wen), and is the third and final harvest, marking Summer’s end. It … Read more

On the Threshold of Lughnasadh/Lammas

Threshold Invocation for Lughnasadh from A Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings, by Caitlín Matthews To be spoken at the front door of the home on the eve of Lughnasadh (July 31), in the evening: Lady of the Land, open the door, Lord of the Forest, come you in. Let there be welcome to the … Read more

Mabon Blessings – We Celebrate the Equinox!

Once more the liberal year laughs out O’er richer stores than gems or gold: Once more with harvest song and shout Is nature’s boldest triumph told. — John Greenleaf Whittier Today is the Equinox, taken from the Latin for “equal night.” It is the Autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, and the Spring equinox below … Read more

Beltane Blessings!

And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.— William Shakespeare Beltane, the counterpart to Samhain, which Pagans and Witches south of the Equator are now celebrating, is one of the Greater Wiccan Sabbats and is usually celebrated on May … Read more