Turn Your Face to the Holy Sun! Joyful Litha Has Now Come!

Blessed Litha! Now we align with the ways of our ancestors, and join together to protect our descendants. On this day, we honor the Turning.

Wishing You a Blessed Midsummer’s Eve!

Tonight is a powerful magical cusp, as we come to this holy threshold. The Wheel of Time turns, the Light reaches its climax. Celebrate with me.

Glory of the Day-Star Hail! A Merry Litha to One and All!

Blessed Litha! This is how we align with the ways of our ancestors, and join together to protect our descendants. On this day, we honor the Turning.

It’s Midsummer’s Eve, So Let Us Make Merry – We Dance This Night With the Magick of Faery!

Tonight is a powerful magical cusp, as we come to this holy threshold. The Wheel of Time turns, the Light reaches its climax. Celebrate with me.

Blessings of the Solstice! A Merry Litha to All!

Blessed Litha! This is how we align with the ways of our ancestors, and join together to protect our descendants. In these ways, we honor the Turning.

Blessings of Midsummer – Merry Litha, Happy Solstice. It’s Time to Step Up

Blessed Litha to one and all! It’s time to wield our magick! Awaken and tell the trees! Share everywhere! Let’s use our powers for tree-mendous good!